Why I Love Teaching Photography
As a photographer I am elated when I get to share my thoughts, ideas and experience in photography with a captive audience. Whether that is meeting someone on the street with a camera in hand and chatting about the beautiful light streaking between the leaves and branches of the trees or demonstrating the effects aperture adjustments can have on an image with my students, I adore and revel in these moments of a new discovery. There is something so rewarding about witnessing their knowledge of photography develop through those moments.
Last summer during Teen Photo Camp, we ventured to several places throughout the Bay Area where we told stories with our cameras about the world we were seeing and experiencing. We photographed at Lands End with a stop at Sutro Baths for sunset, conducted self portraits in a studio and practiced story telling through documentary photography in the Mission. The teens were challenged with using manual settings on their cameras and in turn were able to master different aspects of photography like aperture, shutter speed and exposure compensation. We learned how to overcome difficult shooting situations and troubleshoot when the images did not look the way we intended. I witnessed the improvement they each made with these slight adjustments and their confidence with a camera grow.
The week of Teen Photo Camp is always so inspiring to my work and a great way for me to remind myself of what I should think about in my photography. We all notice different parts of the environment and space we occupy and I thoroughly enjoy getting to see the fresh perspectives of my students as they learn and grow during the course of the week.
I am excited to announce that I am going to be offering four weeks of Photo Camp this summer for teens! There will be new adventures, challenges and inspiration to experience together during both Photo Camp I and the second edition for those with some photography experience, Photo Camp II. Check out the dates below and register your teen for camp this summer now!
PHOTO CAMP I (for beginners and intermediate photographers)
June 11 - 15 from 9 AM to 4 PM
July 9 - 13 from 9 AM to 4 PM
PHOTO CAMP II (for prior attendees or intermediate photographers)
July 23 - 27 from 9 AM to 4 PM
August 6 - 10 from 9 AM to 4 PM
I look forward to having these camps again this summer and seeing you all there!